Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Entry #4- Investors await elections, but Fed may loom larger

New York- After a two month rally in the stock market, some investors are about to see if they get what they wished for: more republicans in Congress and lots of cheap money. The U.S stock market has priced in the Republicans gaining ground in Tuesdays elections. Jobs will be a touchstone, with the high U.S unemployment rate figuring into the campaign of Republicans and Democrats. The payroll report is expected to show that it gained by 60,000 in October compared with September's loss of 95,000 jobs.

I feel good about the elections because this year they are sensing that they are going to rise because of the payroll. Both republican and democrat are both wanting to use our money like borrowing and using it and they are both making people use borrow so the banks can create money.Deflation is the problem. But the time to fight deflation was decades ago. Today's economic problems are not about what we are doing now. They are about what we have already done for many decades.

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